On this day, 5 June, 1993, Green Groups tried to keep the show on the road, despite the evident contempt of Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating for all matters green (because, well, what else can they do?)
Anon. 1993. Top Green Group plans March for the Future. Green Week, May 25, p.3.
The Australian Conservation Foundation public launch of Environment Week at Darling Harbour will feature a March for the Future through city streets on June 5, World Environment Day.
And 18 years later in 2011, on the same day of the year,, Green Groups try to keep the show on the road, because, well, what else can they do. Already sold down the river by one Labor Prime Minister, they try to get behind another minimalist technocratic approach (because, well, what else can they do?)

For more about this, see this news report, from which I grabbed the image above..
Why this matters.
We’re caught in some traps, that are not entirely “our fault,” but we don’t even recognise them as traps. We just see them as normal, inevitable, like a goldfish (is capable of) seeing water…
What happened next?
The people who had to Say Yes – MPs, said yes later in 2011. Then a new bunch of MPs said “No,” and the Emissions Trading Scheme was ended.
See also
My article on The Conversation about “Out of Step: Marching for Climate Justice versus taking action.”