Guest posts

All Our Yesterdays welcomes guest post proposals, especially from people who can write 500 words (or more) or so about an important event that happened the world beyond Europe/North American/Australia (the site-runner’s strong suit).

But we can, at present, only pay in “exposure tokens,” which are not good for paying your rent or other bills.

The process would work like this –

You’d pitch a date (it does not have to be 5/10/25/50 years ago or any other round number) and a general angle you’d take.

A standard “daily blog post” has a three part structure

  • On this day in [year] x happened.
  • Why it matters [how it illuminates what is going on now, either because it was a turning point, or the same tactics have been used again]
  • What happened next (to the individuals, organisations, issue).

It should also include any references or further reading.

We tend to be about a month in advance, so ideally you’ll have a date slightly further in advance.

You’d send the text in plain format in an email, with any links alongside the text. I’d do the rest. If there were any editing, I’d come back to you for approval

A short (one paragraph) bio.

Once the post was up, I’d publicise it over and above the standard amount (perhaps a press release, a video, a Twitter thread – so you get some exposure tokens.