United Kingdom

September 29, 1969 – British Prime Minister Harold Wilson blah blah “second industrial revolution” blah blah pollution blah blah

On this day, 29 September 1969, British Prime Minister Harold Wilson first spoke of the “environment” in a speech to Labour party conference, in Brighton, 1969)  

“First, our environment. There is a two-fold task: to remove the scars of 19th century capitalism – the derelict mills, the spoil heaps, the back-to-back houses that still disfigure so large a part of our land. At the same time we have to make sure that the second industrial revolution through which we are now passing does not be­queath a similar legacy to future genera­tions. We must deal with the problems of pollution – of the air, of the sea, of our rivers and beaches. We must also deal with the uniquely 20th century problems of noise and congestion which will increasingly dis­turb, unless checked, our urban life.

The context is – well, the Torrey Canyon had already happened, people were beginning to get worried not just about cars and smog, but extinction. Wilson had an election to face soon (one he was expected to win, but didn’t).

On this day the PPM was 322.38. Now it is 421ish – but see here for the latest.

Why this matters. 

Labour parties intermittently talk a good game, rarely deliver. Have to be wedded to industrial growth.

What happened next?

Oh, laws were passed. Ministries established. All the paraphernalia. None off the action. But what did you expect?

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