Help wanted

If you enjoy this site, find it useful

Tell your friends and family

Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc Slap up as guest post (but please keep the url back to the original).

Tell me when

a) I got things wrong (from typos to dates, names, events)

b) there’s more to the story than I am telling, especially on the ‘what happened next’)

c) there is a key date that should be covered

[This is a MAJOR thing – because of what I studied for my PhD (Australia), where I live (the UK) and who the elephant in the room is (USA), unless I – with help from others – make a major effort, then after a year this will be a somewhat boring and crushingly white/Western tale of what some old white man said to some other old white men on such and such a date. The world is made up of more colours than pale white, so help us out with dates of significant events from BEYOND Europe.]

Leave comments (constructive, can be critical.)

Invite me on your podcast to talk about the project, or do an email interview if you don’t yet have a podcast?)

write a guest post (it has to be about a date that hasn’t come along yet)

Be interviewed about the project and your work

Get me a book deal with your publisher friend. And a TV gig off the back of that.

If you are a social movement organisation and you want someone to help with strategy around recruiting and retaining, that is what I am most interested in.  Please get in touch.

Whatever happens to us – and it almost certainly is not going to be pleasant, we are going to need to know how to co-ordinate, collaborate and work under difficult and dispiriting circumstances. That takes practice, and it is therefore a good idea to start now.