anti-reflexivity United Kingdom

Feb 9, 2014 –  A Farage-o of nonsense about climate change

On this day in 2014. Nigel Farage, then of the UK Independence Party, rubbished links between floods in Somerset, and climate change, and the need to do anything. Farage, that well-credentialed climate scientist, is fairly typical of a strand of what some sociologists call anti-reflexive thinking.

Most families have that uncle who refuses to accept what the science is clearly stating. Because it’s a “bunch of leftists complaining about industrialization.” Physics is apparently “woke.”  And if you look at Risk Society, by Ulrich Beck, this sort of thing is predicted. 

Why It Matters 

We need to have understanding if not necessarily compassion for these people, and where they come from and why they think like they do. I guess.

What happened next? 

Well, the emissions that contribute to the sorts of 1 in 100 year weather events happening every five years or so, have continued to climb. The total amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has continued to climb. Mr. Farage was able to intimidate David Cameron into a referendum on UK membership of the European Union. And I don’t need to tell you how that turned out. Rip Joe Cox.

Categories: Anti-reflexivity, United Kingdom

Activism Guest post Manchester United Kingdom

January 28, 1993: Parliament protest – “Wake Up, the World is Dying” – Guest Post by Hugh Warwick

On this day in 1993, a demonstration took place outside Parliament around the destruction of the Amazonian rain forest. According to the Press Association 

“Police today dramatically foiled a bid by save-the-rainforest protesters to force a lorry laden with a mixture of sawdust and sand into the House of Commons. When police saw the lorry bearing down on them in Parliament Square they closed one part of Carriage Gates. An eye-witness said: “The driver spotted that just in time and swerved across the pavement to the other part of Carriage Gates which were still open.” But he bungled the angle across the pavement and couldn’t get in. He then started to raise the rear of the lorry to dump the load on the pavement outside. “Within seconds the police discovered that the driver had locked himself in the cab. An officer smashed a cab window and switched off the engine, thus stopping the unloading process. Hardly any of it reached the pavement. Scores of people – who had threatened to chain themselves to the railings – demonstrated outside the Commons distributing leaflets bearing the warning: “Wake Up The World is Dying.”

You can read an article in the Magpie, the newsletter of the Manchester Wildlife Group, in the lead-up to the event, by one… Hugh Warwick.

Hugh has kindly agreed to do a guest post about this, which you can read below-

I have just read this entry from the January 1993 Magpie. I am pretty sure this was the first piece of writing I ever had published and goodness me, I was angry! I had already been to the Twyford Down protests and joined the newly formed Manchester Earth First! My work life was centred around the One World Centre, a peace and environmental justice resource centre near Piccadilly Station – it was cold, damp and filled with some of the most amazing people I have ever met. The campaign against the trade in weapons of war and torture was innovative and at times terrifying. CND, Friends of the Earth, Tools for Self Reliance – busy, active, passionate people. The cooperative required I speak at meetings – I helped manage the shop – and this is where I overcame my fear of presenting in public (and have hardly shut up since!)

Just around the corner, unknown to the me who wrote this piece, life was about to change. I was about to get a call to head to Devon to radio-track hedgehogs, which led to directly to me writing a feature for the BBC Wildlife Magazine and recording a piece for BBC Radio 4’s Natural History Programme … which in turn resulted in me getting my one and only ever job, a year as a researcher at the Natural History Unit in Bristol.

You will have to forgive the rambling nature of this, I have just remembered that I had borrowed a Professional Walkman and microphone to take on the protest to London. I imagine I had been spurred into action Phil Korbel, who has remained on the media/communication/activist scene in Manchester ever since. I sent the tape to Radio 4’s Costing the Earth – having not really thought through what I could do with the material. The producer called me and asked me how I managed to make it sound like I was right in the middle of the protest, sat on the streets outside parliament … not sure my answer filled her with confidence as I said it was because I was sat in the middle of the protest!

So that got me started making radio programmes, and why I took a tape recorder out while stalking hedgehogs … which ended up on Pick of the Week and Pick of the Year … probably the best radio I ever made, and one of the first.

Since then I have become more entangled with hedgehogs, and also started writing books – have two to finish this year. But the campaigning heart still beats … maybe not quite so angrily though! I started a petition to get a tiny change in planning law enacted that would help hedgehogs (I remember when asked me what I wanted to call for, to help return hedgehogs to their former glory … I suggested we call for the dismantling of industrial capitalism and the replacing of it with something nicer. They laughed.) The petition has become quite exciting – with over a million signatures now, each of whom gets an update every couple of weeks from me. []

Reading the piece from nearly 30 years ago was initially quite a thrill – feeling that energy and desire for change, linking local and global action – but now, 500 new words on – there is a degree of despondency creeping in. What has changed? Damn, this is like an elongated version of the film ‘Don’t Look Up’ – so much of what we were campaigning against 30 years ago we are still campaigning against.

Well, it is not like any of us entered this world expecting an easy ride. I keep hopeful because the only guarantee of failure is to lose hope.


United Kingdom

January 25, 1994: UK government releases “Sustainable Development Strategy”

. On this day, the United Kingdom government, led by John Major, released its “Sustainable Development Strategy”, which was going to return the UK carbon emissions levels to 1990 levels by the year 2000. And this was achieved, yep, great… except it was all part of the dash for gas and de-industrialization (off-shoring production).

What happened next? The UK government, by this time had already killed off a European Community-wide carbon tax proposed by the Danes for two reasons (at least) – because of the political difficulties around Maastricht and also pit closures. 

And the incoming Blair Government, set itself a 20% reduction target by 2010 because it thought this would be relatively easy. 

However, by 2000 it was obvious (or rather, the late-lamented Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution pointed out) that emissions reductions weren’t going to continue, and would in fact increase. Cue much talk of nuclear and CCS. Of course.

HMG still not doing nearly as well as it would like to say that it is doing. We have been making bold promises about climate action, taking credit for accidents, and dodging the blame for everything else.

Fossil fuels United Kingdom

Jan 22, 2002: Exxon and on and on

On this day 20 years ago. Lee Raymond, then boss of Exxon met for an hour (or 35 minutes – accounts vary) with UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. Now, of course, prime ministers do and have to meet with big business all the time. But maybe we should know what is discussed, what is agreed. And when people like Blair, talk about climate change, but then pal around with Exxon. Well, I refer you to yesterday’s blog post. 

What happened next

Exxon continued to be a big funder, a funder of fossil fuel denial. Exxon, we should remember, had known about the problem of climate change since the late 70s- see Inside Climate News and Exxon Knew

And fossil fuel usage is continuing to soar. Let’s have a look at a graph of fossil fuel usage since the 1750s.

Annual CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels, by world region (

Can you spot the downturn after we were warned in 1988 to change our ways? Yeah, me neither..

“We” pursued precisely the opposite strategy. That little first person plural pronoun is of course, a mystification. “We” might all be responsible, but we are by no means equally responsible. There is always power politics at play, often behind closed doors as they were on the 22nd of January 2000.

Exxon buying up Biogas

Activism Ignored Warnings United Kingdom

1972, Jan 14: “A Blueprint for Survival” hits the headlines

[Update 31st January – see foot of this post for comment by David Taylor]

On Friday 14th January 1972 a bombshell report, ‘A Blueprint for Survival,’ was released onto an increasingly worried world. Produced by the team at The Ecologist, it laid out not just the environmental and social problems, but also offered – the clue is in the name – a blueprint for survival.

Fifty years is a nice round number for reflecting, and this 30 page report [pdf, word.doc] is designed to help with that.

It explains little of the background to the report – the world it entered, who wrote it, how it was received

It doesn’t go into a great deal of detail about what the Blueprint actually says – read it yourself!

It does however talk about what happened next – what the media response, and the political response was [spoilers – scientists warning of trouble ahead will be derided as scare-mongerers, the public’s attention span is short, it’s really hard to ‘capture the moment’ – to do so you need absorptive capacity up the wazoo].

For any Doctor Who fans out there – there’s mention of two classic Pertwee stories.

It then talks a bit about the longer-term, and the birth of the “Ecology Party” (now known as the Green Party), before turning to some of the lessons we might learn around

  1. Abeyance
  2. Absorptive Capacity
  3. Arrogance

Would love to hear people’s comments

Comment received on 31st January 2022 by one of the people behind the excellent “Green History UK” website.

I’ve read your article and it’s got loads of good perspectives. Hopefully we can add that to the site as well.

I trust you won’t mind if I draw your attention to one or two issues where I have a different perspective:-

  1. The founders of PEOPLE always wrote the name in capitals, not lower case.
  2. They did not, initially call themselves a ‘political party’.  If you look at the early PEOPLE literature you will see that they were always just called ‘PEOPLE’. On some occasions (as on the material advertising the Jigsaw Conference) they referred to themselves as a ‘movement’. . Lesley W had researched the issue and found that you didn’t have to be a ‘party’ to contest an election, so they weren’t. It was others, particularly journalists, who referred to them as a ‘party’, because they contested elections. This later led to PEOPLE referring to themselves as both a ‘movement’ and a ‘party’.
  3. In that it intended to contest elections Movement for Survival was as much a ‘party’ as PEOPLE. The two movements had similar strategies.  This isn’t surprising as PEOPLE arose directly from Survival. The similarity wasn’t just because PEOPLE took over Movement’s box of contacts. The PEOPLE founders were also supporters of Movement and the Whittakers, in particular, had been meeting with Teddy throughout 1972. Teddy told me back then how delighted he was to have found a group of professional people (estate agent, solicitors) to take over Movement. There was no formal handover but the reality was that PEOPLE grew directly out of Movement, and took it over. There is a widespread misconception (reinforced by repetition) that the modern Green Party began when PEOPLE was publicly launched in February 1973. This ‘fact’ was one of the answers in a recent Mastermind quiz. The truth is that Survival’s launch, in the January edition of the Ecologist magazine, marked the actual beginning of the global movement of green parties.
  4. You describe Goldsmith as ‘authoritarian’. During his time he was labelled many things -all of them wrong really. There were no good labels for what he was espousing. This is understandable as he was originating a new political philosophy and it didn’t fit comfortably into any of the existing categories. You describe Blueprint as promoting ‘radical de-centralisation’. I think this phrase better describes Teddy’s outlook. He was, after all, a big admirer of the Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin…

Thank you for what you’re doing. We need this history!

Very best,

David (Taylor)

Manchester United Kingdom

1974, Jan 10: Clean Air call for #Manchester

Chartres, J. (1974). North-west pollution control sought.

The Times 10 January, p4.

On this day in 1974, the Times reported that “A unified system of control over all forms of pollution, including smoke and aircraft noise, is called for in a report issued… today. It follows a three-year study in the Greater Manchester area.” [this one]

Why this matters.  

Catastrophically bad air quality is not new. There have been bans (unenforced) on the burning of “sea coal” in London waaaaaaaaay back in the day (1500s), and the foul air of the industrial cities had been seen as a sign of progress and virtue (but not perhaps by those who had no choice but to breathe it). 

With the Clean Air Act of 1956 – and technological developments – the sheer amount of visible crap in the air was decreasing. But it’s not just the stuff you can see that matters.

From the early 1970s the “local” concerns started to join up with global ones. Then it became about acid rain, then ozone – and finally, the biggie that we are not fixing.   

What happened?

Not much, because here we still are. And Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham is probably going to develop a serious case of the cold feets about the (already weak) “Clean Air Zone.”

Groups you can get involved in

British Lung Foundation


Impact Science (versus production science)