Ignored Warnings United States of America

September 3, 1988 – Ann Landers is Greta Thunberg avant la lettre…

On this day in 1988 Ann Landers , the famous American advice columnist went full-Greta. Yes. 1988. We knew this stuff, generations ago.

1988 Ann Landers column from The Dispatch, North Carolina, 3rd September 1988, p 7

“If we don’t get some balance in our environment soon, life on this planet as we know it, is finished.,321353&hl=en

On this day the atmospheric CO2 level was 348.97 ppm. Now it is 421-ish- but see here for the latest.

Why this matters. 

We knew the stakes. We blew it.

What happened next?

We kept emitting.

Yes, look, I know pretty much every blog post on this site is saying exactly the same thing. But really, what else is there to say?

We could have acted differently – but the incentive structures meant we didn’t. And here we are. Suck it up.