United States of America

October 5, 1988 – Vice Presidential Debate and ‘the Greenhouse Effect’

On this day, October 5 in 1988, the vice presidential debate in the Presidential elections took place. The Democratic Party’s Lloyd Bentsen squared off against Republican Dan Quayle. You can watch the video here

1988 Bentsen and Quayle veep debate.

What’s interesting is that Qyayle did not deny the reality of climate change and it wasn’t really until a few years later that proper full-on denial became an acceptable position within the Republican party. Since 2015 also it has become an absolute litmus test for MAGA Republicans and this has “polarised” the issue.

[The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 349.37ppm. At time of writing it was 421ishppm- but for what it is now,well, see here for the latest.]

Why this matters. 

We should remember that this current culture war nonsense that the Republicans are waging did not use to include climate change. It is now of course too late to do anything substantial but it’s good to know

What happened next?

Bush won the 1988 election, having neutralised Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis very effectively with some race-baiting that would be considered tame now. Bush then did nothing while his chief of staff wreaked havoc on what could have been a vaguely consensual process in creating the UNFCCC.