Weekly updates

Weekly Update #01 – of weather modification, guest posts and Big Plans

Welcome to week 01 of All Our Yesterdays.

Obviously not much to report yet. Three posts up (two on January 1st – most days will just be one). I’ve set myself some notional targets –

I’d like (at least) 36 guest blog posts during the course of the year, with no more than half of them (fewer if possible!) by white male academics like me, writing about the wider world (what New Internationalist rightly calls ‘the Majority World‘, because that’s where the majority of humans live. We have one for January 31st already, and if you’d like to do a guest post, get in touch, in the first instance via Twitter – @our_yesterdays.

I’d like (at least) 2000 Twitter followers by the end of the year (I started with 48, now up to 50). This is an even-more-than-usual arbitrary number, perhaps over-ambitious.

More generally, the point of the site, for myself, is to get (much) better at the whole digital humanities thing. If you have skills/knowledge you think I should have, please get in touch…

As ever, here’s what this site is for, here’s how you can help/get involved.

What you may have missed in the last week on the site

Er, not much, beyond Weather Modification (Jan 1st) and the like.

What I’ve been reading/watching/listening to

Don’t Look Up – liked it. Submitted a 2.5k piece to a journal. watch this space

Finished “The Big Bang Theory” (yes, all 12 seasons). Liked it a lot.

About a forgotten 1988-9 Environmental group in the UK. Am writing about this- watch this space.

Doctor Who and the Doomsday Weapon. Wow, unrepentant and undisguised political education/anti-corporate jeremiad (take your pick).

What’s coming up in the next week on the site

The week of 3-9 January is brought to you by the letter S: Posts about social movement resilience, spoofing the stock market, sulfur taxes and sea-level rise.

What’s coming up in the next week in the real world

Nothing in particular, climate-wise, that I am aware of (over time I hope to build up some horizon scanning capacity..

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