Germany Poland

April 19, 1943 – the Warsaw Ghetto uprising began.

Eighty years ago, on this day, April 19, 1943, Jews in the  Warsaw Ghetto rose up.  That should be honoured.  No matter the odds (and the odds of survival were basically zero, and nobody can have been under any illusions about that), a fight is required…

The amount of carbon dioxide in the air was roughly 311ppm. As of 2023 it is 420ppm, but check here for daily measures. 

The context was

Let’s not pretend the Nazis invented anti-Semitism, okay. It was very well-embedded in European culture…

And let’s also ponder how European assaults on Africa, the Americas, Australasia, similar in ideology and equipment, were a precursor to the industrialisation of slaughter.

What I think we can learn from this

We really really need to know the history.

What happened next

The murder of Jews, Romani, and other categories of ‘untermenschen’ continued.

Let’s not pretend that the techniques the Nazis used, around counter-insurgency, were not intriguing to the US, nor that the counter-insurgency techniques didn’t travel (along with some of the actual Nazi perpetrators).

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