
August 28, 1971 – snarky opinion piece in New York Times. Stephen Schneider rebuts days later.

On this day , August 28, 1971, a snarky opinion piece appeared in the New York Times, written by an oil lobbyist called Eugene Guccione (not the Penthouse guy!).  It ran with the now-all-too-familiar sneers and (deliberate?) misunderstandings of what was being said.

A few days later, scientist Stephen Schneider wrote a good rebuttal, his first ever letter to a newspaper.

There’s a very good piece on this in Real Climate by Gavin Schmidt.

[The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 325.43 ppm. Now it is 421ish- but see here for the latest.]

Why this matters. 

The ignorance, complacency and motivated reasoning? Goes way back,

What happened next?

Schneider spent the rest of his life being very very sound on climate change. A mensch.